Saturday, February 25, 2012

How to make Dinosaurs angsty?

You end their world.

The game is simple physics game. You fire your meteor and hope you bounce off all of the dinosaurs.
Not too bad for 4 hours.

The game can be found here.
You need to have the XNA framework installed to run it.

Lessons learned:
If you can't draw that is ok, just go "artsy" and stick to a simple pallet.
Don't trust trigonometric code you find online. It may just be wrong.
Simple additions like a background take 3 minutes but add sooooo much.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Dublin Game Craft

The Dublin Games Jam is on today!
Sadly I can't make it in person but I will make a game for it just for giggles. The theme is "Dinosaur Angst" which is possibly the most unusual theme I have ever heard of.

Check out the site here:
Good luck to all involved :)